rhythm theory

An introduction to rhythm

My research dances within several areas of study, including the human senses, embodied cognition and the phenomenology of space, but, first and foremost, it originates from a philosophy of rhythm. Rhythm is everything we are and everything we do. From how you text and type to how you speak and carry on conversations. From the cities we live in to the spaces we sleep. Our bodies have endless rhythms for eating, sleeping, breathing, heartbeats, nerve synapses, and more. From the objects we choose to appreciate to our subjective experiences to how you read this page right now. It is all rhythm!

When we think of rhythm, usually, the first thing that comes to mind is music. The rhythms of music can be interpreted in endless ways. Your personal experiences, where you are from and how you experience the world can influence the musical rhythms you might prefer and how they are perceived. Below is a great introductory video on visualizing rhythm in music.

Enjoy and refer to it often. It’s a good one.